In what is a truly shocking story, the Labour run administration of Birmingham City Council has refused to deny that a sex offender was allowed to transport city kids in a criminal checks scandal.
In what I know will cause a lot of anxiety to parents affected, an audit report has now confirmed widespread failures among transport providers carrying out DBS checks. Yet the council has refused to release full details of the potential child safety breach.
What’s more worrying, is the report was ready last June but has only now been brought to committee, with speculation that it was delayed to avoid ‘political embarrassment’ during the election campaign. Purdah does not exist to waiver transparency and accountability, especially when it comes to child safety!
On Committee last month, I raised the Sky News report about pedophiles changing their names using deed poll to bypass DBS checks. Given the serious safeguarding concerns and unanswered questions around DBS checks from this Labour run authority, I felt the need to raise it to ensure we do everything we can to protect our children in the city. #FrankleyForward